Blogs » Current Frustrations

Current Frustrations

  • I have been getting frustrated at times with the hurdles that are sometimes placed in front of us -- even by the very doctors that are supposed to be advocating for us.

    (Lately, I needed to replace the Juxtafit garments that are over a year old and splitting from the bottom, but she refused because she doesn't like the provider I was getting mine through. I should have the option of getting my garment from whatever provider I feel best advocates for me -- especially advocating with the insurance company, etc.)

    I went to another doctor to see about him writing me a prescription for a new set (because the vendor that it doesn't have to be from the lymphedema doctor), but he refused.  His refusal then, in turn, costs me $500 because now I will have to face paying for the insurance deductible.  Had the doctor just written the prescription request, my vendor would have taken it from there.  His thing was that he didn't know that much about my lymphedema and he wouldn't know what to explain to the insurance company, even after I explained to him that my vendor had all the history that she needed to work with.
