Blogs » Legislation » Let's get the LE dx and tx bill passed soon!

Let's get the LE dx and tx bill passed soon!

  • I've sent letters and my own story to anyone in or outside Congress who might, just might, read them and get motivated.  I know plenty of other people have done so as well.  Here's a reason for doing so that I hadn't thought about until last night, and I'm sure it affects others: I have insurance that does cover my treatment for lymphedema praecox...but I was hoping to retire within the next few years so that I could devote more time and energy to other activities, including writing, speaking and educating others about various medical issues including lymphedema.  Last night it dawned on me that unless this bill is passed AND TAKES EFFECT before I'm old enough for Medicare, I'll be unable to retire!!

    So let's get going, and make sure our legislators do likewise!